7:00 am - 8:00 am Location: Main Lounge (First Floor)
Exhibit Review &
Continental Breakfast
The Union League Club 38 East 37th Street / S.E. Corner of Park &
37th/ Entrance on 37th Street New York,
New York 212-685-3800
7:45 am - 8:00 am
Welcoming Remarks: 2017 C3 US - Arab Business &
Healthcare Summit
Mr. Ransel N. Potter,
Founder & Managing Partner,
C3 Summit International
Ms. Cynthia Gonzalez, Executive Director, International Patient Services, Cook Children's Healthcare System, Title Sponsor
Simply stated, this
C3 US-Arab Business &
Healthcare Summit is about exploring ideas, suggestions, and realistic recommendations as possible solutions to today’s bilateral security, technology, commercial development and healthcare challenges. Based on the insights of
the Summit’s global leaders and thinkers, participants can begin to immediately implement what they will hear and learn to help bring these innovations, pilot projects, cases studies, public-private partnerships and other practical solutions
to fruition in the global commercial and healthcare sectors.
8:00 am - 9:00 am Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Opening Plenary: The Importance of Selecting and Managing Your Local Partners in the Middle East
Mr. Nawaf Althari,
Political Adviser,
Counter-Piracy Focal Point,
OIC Focal Point,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Permanent Mission to the United Nations,
Ambassador Adam Ereli,
Former US Ambassador,
Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. H. Delano Roosevelt,
Director of New Business Development,
Reza Investment Group,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,
Former US Ambassador,
Mr. Mohammed Barakat,
Managing Director,
US-Qatar Business Council,
Mr. Muneer A. Baig,
Founder & CEO,
The best way to approach a partnership is to look for commercial synergy between the two organizations and intellectual synergy between the people from both parties. How does your business compliment the local partner company and what difference
will it make to the local partner to be aligned with your firm? What are the incentives for the local partner to help and support you and are these incentives considered a big enough deal to doing business together.
9:00 am - 9:10 am
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: Brigham and Women’ s Hospital |
9:10 am - 10:10 am Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Keynote Address: The Future of Health Care for Both the US and Middle East: A Focus on Improving the Patient Experience
Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi Founder,
Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Chief Executive Officer,
International Medical Center (IMC),
Improving the patient experience in hospitals and with their providers in the region is a critical factor in delivering necessary health care for a broad range of illnesses among a diverse population of patients. How are the most effective health
care organizations in the U.S. sharing best practices with their Middle East partners to achieve patient safety goals and aspirations, and find ways to communicate with each other to design and enable caregivers to communicate effectively among
themselves in addressing the most prevalent patient issues and answers.
10:00 am - 10:10 am
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: XS Conferences & Exhibitions
10:10 am - 11:10 am Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Improving Quality of Care and Patient Experience in the Middle East: Maximizing Local Capacities Through Middle East-US Partnerships
Mr. Steven J. Thompson,
Senior Vice President,
Chief Business Development Officer,
Brigham and Women's Healthcare,
Dr. Karl Laskowski,
Associate Medical Director,
Brigham and Women’s Physicians Organization (BWPO);
Instructor of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School,
Dr. Allen Kachalia,
Chief Quality Officer,
Vice President for Quality and Safety,
Brigham Health;
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School,
Dr. Mark A. Davis,
Executive Director,
Business Development and Strategic Initiatives,
Brigham and Women’s Healthcare,
Harvard Medical School,
Dr. Adam Landman,
Vice President and Chief Information Officer,
Brigham Health (BH),
Attending Emergency Physician at BWH;
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine,
Harvard Medical School,
This panel will focus on:
- Increasing Efficiency in Managing Populations of Patients to Best Utilize Current Capacity
- Strategic Partnerships/Advising to Grow Local Capacity
- Leveraging Technologies for Middle East/US Collaboration
- Patient-Focused Outcomes
11:10 am - 11:20 am
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: Brigham and Women’ s Hospital |
11:20 am - 12:20 pm
Track #1 Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
The Promise of Big Data Computing for Clinical Support and Personalized Medicine
Dr. Lawrence (“Larry”
) Friedman,
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs;
UCSD International Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine,
UC San Diego Health System,
Dr. George Cheriyan,
Chief Medical Officer,
American Mission Hospital,
Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Olivier Jarry,
Honorable Suresh Kumar,
Independent Board Director,
Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce,
Member of Sanofi’s Executive Committee,
Dr. Adnan Hammad,
President &
Global Health Research,
Management &
Dr. Rabi Hanna,
Director of Pediatric of Blood and Marrow Transplantation,
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology,
Cleveland Clinic,
Health and Life Science Health and Life Science technology are advancing at a blistering rate. Widespread adoption of electronic health records, new health monitor records, new health monitoring devices and sensors, and the $1, 000 genome are
enabling new models for care. But how can we best use these new devices and data? Can we use them to make better clinical decisions, improve care improve car improve care management and outcomes, and reverse the continuing rise of healthcare
11:20 am - 12:20 pm
Track #2 Location: Main Lounge (First Floor)
Technological Innovations Transforming Healthcare in the Middle East and the US
Mr. Florian Kemmerich,
Managing Partner,
Bamboo Capital Partners;
Dr. Brian Jacobs,
Vice President,
Chief Medical Information Officer,
Chief Information Officer,
Children's National Health System,
Dr. Nihal (“Nina”) Afifi,
Global Health Policy and Management,
EPOS Health Management,
T.H. Chan School of Public Health,
Dr. Gabi Hanna,
Executive Director,
Duke Translational Research Unit;
Associate Director,
Duke Cancer Institute,
Surgical Facility;
American Remote Health,
Dr. Ghassan Abou-Alfa,
Attending Physician,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center;
Chair Heatobiliary Task Force,
National Cancer Institute,
Ms. Cynthia Gonzalez,
Executive Director,
International Patient Services,
Cook Children's Healthcare System,
The rapid rise of non-communicable disease and increasing healthcare costs are placing a greater demand on US and Middle East healthcare systems than ever before. The role of technology is now a game changer in enabling simpler, more precise,
and more affordable healthcare. To address these challenges, governments and key healthcare providers are investing in healthcare technology transformation to increase access to affordable and quality care, modernize the healthcare system, and
increase workforce capacity through training and education.
12:20 pm - 12:30 pm
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: XS Conferences & Exhibitions
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Business Keynote Panel: The Role That Women Play in Shaping US-Arab Perceptions &
Global Business Relations
Ms. Jasmine Nahhas di Florio,
Senior Vice President,
Strategy & Partnerships,
Education For Employment (EFE),
Mr. Samer Khoury,
President of Engineering & Construction,
Consolidated Contractors Company,
Ms. Mariam Farag,
Head of MBC Al Amal,
Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC),
(CSR arm of MBC),
Ambassador Isobel Coleman,
U.S. Representative to the United Nations,
UN Management and Reform,
Ms. Tamara Cofman Wittes,
Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy,
Center for Middle East Policy,
Brookings Institution,
Ms. Hiba Zalatimo,
Education For Employment (EFE) Graduate; Manager, Hospitality Academy,
Caesar Hotel,
In light of the significance of “ working women” in both the Arab world and the United States, the purpose of this keynote panel is to describe and to examine the role of their impact in shaping US-Arab perceptions and business relations.
The panel discussion will explore similarities and differences in the role and effects of their contributions under seemingly very diverse circumstances.
The working theory holds that women the world over share many common characteristics. Among them are the necessities to deal with ownership, to adapt to rapidly changing technology and methods, to contend with the proliferation of means, to operate
in diverse environments, and to deal with various challenges to provide credible and reliable SME’ s. A major problem is the issue of bias. The important question is not whether bias exists, but to what degree? And, with what perceived
effects? Additionally, with what practical implications? What barriers exist for women business owners conducting business in the Middle East?
As the number of women entrepreneurs throughout the region continues to grow, what are the educational and training requirements necessary to participate in the most promising business opportunities emerging in the region for women. Comparative
perspectives from this panel of experts will attempt to answer these and related questions.
1:30 pm - 1:40 pm
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: Brigham and Women’ s Hospital |
1:40 pm - 2:50 pm Location: Main Dining Room (Third Floor)
1:40 pm - 2:00 pm: Cook Children's Healthcare System, Title Sponsor, Keynote Luncheon Address
2:00 pm - Luncheon Buffet Opens
2:05 pm - Welcoming Remarks
2:20 pm - Award Presentations
Luncheon Sponsor: Brigham & Women's Healthcare
Title Sponsor's Keynote Luncheon Address: Cook Children's Healthcare System The Role of Collaborative Networks Building and Sustaining a Network of Care
Dr. José Iglesias,
Medical Director of International Services and Pediatric Surgery,
Secretary, Cook Children’s Physician Network Board of Directors,
Cook Children's Healthcare System USA
C3 Welcoming Remarks
Isaac Blech, Founder, Director, Cerecor;
Founder of: Celgene; ICOS (developer of Cialis); Nova Pharmaceutical; Pathogenesis; Genetics Systems Corporation; (Please see Bio for additional Chairman/Vice Chairman Roles) USA
C3 Award Presentations Mr. Ransel N. Potter, Founder & Managing Partner, C3 Summit International, USA
C3 Global Visionary Award Recipient: Mr. Samer Khoury,
President of Engineering & Construction,
Consolidated Contractors Company,
Athens, Greece
C3 Women Empowerment Award Recipient: Ms. Reeta Roy,
President & CEO,
Mastercard Foundation,
C3 Humanitarian Award Recipient: Ms. Mariam Farag Head of MBC Al Amal, Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC), (CSR arm of MBC), UAE
Luncheon Concludes - 2:50
2:50 pm - 3:00 pm
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: Brigham and Women’ s Hospital |
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Healthcare Keynote Panel: Preparing to Tender Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare
Mr. Stephen P. Nash,
International Healthcare Practice Group,
Squire Patton Boggs,
Ms. Hala El-Mohandes,
Vice President,
Structured and Project Finance,
U.S. Export/Import Bank,
Honorable Suresh Kumar,
Independent Board Director,
Former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce,
Member of Sanofi’s Executive Committee,
Dr. Maan Fares,
Vice Chairman,
Global Patient Services,
The Cleveland Clinic,
Ms. Tracey Webb,
Vice President,
Structured Finance and Insurance,
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
Spurred by the insightful Saudi Vision 2030, the private sector will soon have a range of opportunities to engage and participate in improving the Kingdom’s healthcare system: by providing greater access to better care while helping to
control overall healthcare costs. These opportunities are likely to be tendered through a number of proposed public-private partnerships (PPPs). As with other GCC nations, the Ministry of Health (and often the Ministry of Finance) and potential
private sector participants (PSPs) will have legitimate expectations as to the feasibility and bankability of these partnerships.
This panel will address questions about how to align these expectations within the Sovereign’s operational and regulatory environment, the role of both domestic and foreign participants, institutional considerations about models for the delivery
of and payment for care, and how the Sovereign may otherwise maximize the chances for a successful transformation to privatization through a well-structured PPP program.
4:00 pm - 4:10 pm
Session Break / Exhibit Review
Sponsored by: Brigham and Women’ s Hospital |
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm
Track #1 Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Middle East &
U.S. Childhood Nutrition,
Obesity and Viral Diseases: A Growing Healthcare Challenge
Dr. Nizar N. Zein,
Hepatology Center,
Global Patient Services,
The Cleveland Clinic,
Dr. Evan P. Nadler,
Children's National Obesity Institute;
Adolescent Weight Loss Surgery Program,
Children's National Health System,
Mr. John Payne,
Chairman &
PURELIFE Health Sciences Group,
Mr. John L. Brooks III,
Managing Director,
Healthcare Capital LLC,
Ms. Kathleen Regan,
Executive Vice President,
Chief Operating Officer,
The Commonwealth Fund;
Board of Trustees,
Boston Children’s Hospital;
Women’s Health Coalition,
Dr. Raymond F. Schinazi,
Professor of Pediatrics,
Director of the Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology,
Emory University;
HIV Cure Scientific Working Group,
NIH-sponsored Emory University CFAR USA
According to recent research published in the Saudi Journal of Obesity, some experts believe that obesity has turned into a serious health problem for Saudi children, with an estimated 9.3 percent of school-age youths meeting the World Health
Organization's body-mass-index criteria for obesity. By comparison about 18 percent of school-age children in the U.S. are considered obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In recent years there has been increasing
attention paid to the changing patterns of infectious diseases. In particular, the factors that lead to increases in the rates of these so-called ‘emerging infectious diseases’ (EIDs) has focused primarily on the role of human activities, such
as land use changes, population growth, increased contacts with wild animal reservoirs and the degradation of health care resources. It is estimated that the majority – some estimates place it as high as 75%, of these emerging diseases are derived
from animals. But the most important event in new disease emergence is genetic changes in the pathogen that make it possible to become established in a new host species, productively infect new individuals in the new hosts (typically humans)
and create local, regional or world wide health threats.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory illness that was recently recognized in humans. It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread
to several other countries, including the United States. Most people identified as infected with MERS-CoV developed severe acute respiratory illness, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Many of them have died. This panel will address
the ramifications of a healthy diet, good nutrition and the impact of both on global obesity and viral disease.
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm
Track #2 Location: Main Lounge (First Floor)
Business Outlook: The Future of Healthcare in Oman
H.E. Dr. Adnan Al-Ansari,
Former Ambassador of Permanent Mission of GCC to the United Nations,
Ambassador Frances D. Cook,
Former Ambassador,
Sultanate of Oman,
Dr. Yousef Al Weshahi,
Department Chair,
Examination, Certification, Continuing Professional Development,
Oman Medical Specialty Board,
H.H. Dr. Sayyida Basma Al Said,
Whispers of Serenity's;
Mental Health Counselor and Psychotherapist,
Mr. Affan Khalfan Al Akhzami,
Managing Director & CEO,
Mr. Ali Abdul Hussain Shaban,
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer,
W J Towell Group LLC.,
Ms. Maimuna Said Al-Sulaimani,
General Counsel:
Effective Board Member (EBM),
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC-UK),
The Sultanate of Oman is noted for its strong fundamentals in the national healthcare system. In fact, the country’s healthcare sector has witnessed commendable growth over the last few decades. While the government has a strong presence in the
sector, making available advanced health solutions and patient care services to people, it has always welcomed and encouraged the private healthcare providers to contribute to transforming Oman into a regional healthcare hub.
Providing universal healthcare to a mixed population of Omanis and expatriates has been quite a challenge, considering the sultanate’s unique topographical features and population distribution pattern. But today, even remote hamlets inhabited by a few
have access to healthcare.
When His Majesty became the Sultan of Oman, the country had just two hospitals. Over the last 45 years, under His Majesty the Sultan’s visionary leadership, Oman’s health sector registered amazing growth. The government policy focused heavily
on ensuring access to basic universal healthcare for all Omani citizens, and subsidized health services for expatriates.
Today, Oman is building new medical cities and hospitals with nearly 70 quality hospitals existing, having over 6, 400 beds, offering a range of specialized and general patient care services across the country. Its healthcare system has greatly
benefited from foreign medical expertise which in turn helped improve the skills of the country’s homegrown medical professionals.
The new hospitals, medical centers, and clinics in the pipeline are expected to play a major role in achieving Oman’s Health Vision 2050, a long-term strategy issued in 2014 that aims to support the government’s goal of providing an equitable
and responsive healthcare system, which in turn will create a productive population.
In this panel, Oman’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Commerce and Industry will headline an outstanding group of speakers with the requisite professional expertise to help U.S. and Arab commercial interests reap the mutual benefits of each
region’s trade and healthcare opportunities. Join this critical discussion about Oman's efforts to increase participation of the U.S. private sector in both the region and Oman's healthcare and commercial industry, and the bilateral impact on
business and investment initiatives between the regions. Topics to be discussed:
- healthcare transformation
- the expansion of the manufacturing sector
- the delivery of bilateral knowledge transfer
- opportunities for public-private sector partnerships
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: Lincoln Hall (Second Floor)
Closing Remarks: 2017 C3 US - Arab Business & Healthcare Summit
Moving Beyond Bilateral Borders
Governor David A. Paterson, 55th Governor of New York State; Director/Investments, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company
Ransel N. Potter, Founder & Managing Director, C3 Summit International
More than ever before, globalization is becoming a reality with the world becoming more interconnected through social media and internet in areas like economy, energy, environment, security and healthcare. Considering “healthcare diplomacy” has
become a valuable "commercial" commodity to bring people and countries together to win the fight against disease and death, the 2017 C3 US-Arab Business & Healthcare Summit focused on how best to capture and help grow this global healthcare
market by building a cohesive global business community through bilateral cooperation.
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Main Dining Room (Third Floor)
2017 C3 US-Arab Healthcare &
Business Networking Reception
Sponsor Welcoming Remarks by: Steven J. Thompson,
Senior Vice President,
Chief Business Development Officer,
Brigham and Women’ s Healthcare,
Music By: Mr. Keith Ingham
Please Send Us Your Sponsor Meeting Request and/or Feedback